Self-Defense for Radicals: A–Z Guide for Subversive Struggle

tanggal pertama publikasi:  2010
genre:  Brosur
original language:  Inggris
subyek utama:  Pertahanan diri

Radicals, feminists, environmentalists. Activists for animal rights, human rights, civil rights. There are plenty of rebels and dissidents putting their asses on the line. Conversely, there’s never been a shortage of reactionaries seeking to repress such vision and passion. Learning how to fight and/or defend yourself is not the same as promoting belligerent, anti-social behavior. While talk of non-violence is understandable and the struggle for peace has never been more essential, let’s face it: The odds are that sooner or later you’re going to end up in a confrontation that may escalate into physical violence. So, why not be prepared? *Self-Defense for Radicals* will get you off and running in the right direction. From eye gouges to groin punches—you’ll find a powerful collection of tactics with which we can fight back. Interspersed with words of wisdom and guidance from Emma Goldman, Bruce Lee, Angela Davis, and even Patrick Swayze, this pocket-sized pamphlet will inspire readers to not only speak truth to power but also deliver a sharp elbow to power’s jutting jaw. Presented in the street-smart style we’ve come to expect from Mickey Z., *Self-Defense for Radicals* dares you to re-examine what we perceive as acceptable behavior—both by the oppressors and the revolutionaries. (Source: [PM Press]( Source: OpenLibrary


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