
Richard Matheson's Hell house

Richard Matheson's Hell house

ISBN-13:  978-1-60010-263-9
ISBN-10:  1-60010-263-8
verk som detta är en utgåva av:  Richard Matheson's Hell house
utgåvans språk:  engelska

"IDW brings you this lavishly illustrated adaptation of Richard Matheson's tale of newspaper publisher Rudolph Deutsch facing his impending demise. To help Deutsch forestall his death and to learn the secrets of life after death, a team of experts must survive a night in Belasco House, a place known amongst the local townsfolk as "Hell House." The notorious Belasco House starts to exert its dark influence on the group of scientists and spiritualists as they unearth the perverse and wretched secrets from within its walls. Hell House has let them in-- but will it ever let them leave?"--P. [4] of cover. Källa: OpenLibrary

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Utgåva - isbn:9781600102639 - inv:75d56914dccadd0da70ec88486deac52

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