
Southeast Florida Pioneers: The Palm & Treasure Coasts

Southeast Florida Pioneers: The Palm & Treasure Coasts

Erscheinungsdatum:  1998
ISBN-13:  978-1-56164-157-4
ISBN-10:  1-56164-157-X
Werk, von dem dies eine Ausgabe ist:  Southeast Florida Pioneers: The Palm & Treasure Coasts
Sprache der Ausgabe:  Englisch

The history of the Palm Beach area, the Treasure Coast, and Lake Okeechobee is one of turbulence, growth, and especially change. Meet the visionaries and outlaws, physicians and poets who shaped this region of southeast Florida from the 1690s through the 1990s. Author William McGoun's stories are sometimes hair-raising, sometimes amusing, and always engaging. Well-researched and dotted with photos from The Palm Beach Post archives, this collection of mini-biographies reads like a who's who of Florida history. Quelle: OpenLibrary

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