Wizards of Mickey
Wizards of Mickey is an Italian fantasy comic saga that began in October 2006. It was created by The Walt Disney Company Italy. The first series, Wizards of Mickey, was published in ten parts in Topolino #2654-2663 (Oct-Dec 2006). This was followed by another ten-part series, Wizards of Mickey II - The Dark Age, in 2007. Several shorter two-part stories were published in 2008 and 2009, along with three one-part stories labelled Wizards of Mickey: The Lost Legends. The story continued with The New World (2009), Lemuria (2011), Legacy (2013), Mondimontagne (2015), Aurora (2016), Magicraft (2017), Oberon (2018), Arena (2018), Wizards of Gamba (2019) and Destino (2019). In the United States, the first story was released by Boom! Studios in 12 parts—four issues of Mickey Mouse and Friends #296-299 (Sept 2009-Jan 2010), and eight issues of its own title, Wizards of Mickey (Jan-Aug 2010). To date, it has also been published in more than a dozen other countries. Source: Wikipedia (en)
1. Wizards of Mickey
2. Wizards of Mickey II - The Dark Age
3. Wizards of Mickey III - The Ancient Evil
4. Wizards of Mickey IV - The New World
5. Wizards of Mickey V - Lemuria
6. Wizards of Mickey VI - Legacy
Wizards of Mickey - The Lost Legend
Wizards of Mickey - Mondimontagne
Wizards of Mickey - Aurora
Wizards of Mickey - Magicraft
Series -