Rachel Rising
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Rachel Rising is a 42-issue American comic book series created by Terry Moore and published through Abstract Studio. The first issue was released on August 3, 2011, to positive reviews. Reviewers sometimes criticized the pace later in the run, but the series won industry awards throughout its publication. Since its conclusion in 2016, members of the cast have reappeared in other works by Moore. Plans for a television adaptation were announced in April 2013, but was still in the scripting stage in 2015. The story follows Rachel Beck, a young woman who wakes up in a shallow grave after being strangled. She does not remember the circumstances of the attack, but begins trying to solve her attempted murder with the help of her Aunt Johnny and close friend Jet. Their investigation soon gets put on hold when they learn of a plot to destroy their town through witchcraft and demonic spirits. Source: Wikipedia (en)
Série - wd:Q16594049