Jules Michelet

1798 - 1874

photo credits: Wikimedia Commons

movement:  Romanticism
country of citizenship:  France
native language:  French
languages spoken, written or signed:  French
educated at:  Lycée Charlemagne
position held:  professor

Jules Michelet (French: [ʒyl miʃlɛ]; 21 August 1798 – 9 February 1874) was a French historian and writer. He is best known for his multivolume work Histoire de France (History of France), which traces the history of France from the earliest times to the French Revolution. He is considered one of the founders of modern historiography. Michelet was influenced by Giambattista Vico. He admired Vico's emphasis on the role of people and their customs in shaping history, which was a major departure from the emphasis on political and military leaders. Michelet also drew inspiration from Vico's concept of the "corsi e ricorsi", or the cyclical nature of history, in which societies rise and fall in a recurring pattern. In Histoire de France, he coined the term Renaissance (meaning "rebirth" in French) as a period in Europe's cultural history that represented a break from the Middle Ages, creating a modern understanding of humanity and its place in the world. The term "rebirth" and its association with the Renaissance can be traced to a work published in 1550 by the Italian art historian Giorgio Vasari. Vasari used the term to describe the advent of a new manner of painting that began with the work of Giotto, as the "rebirth (rinascita) of the arts". Michelet thereby became the first historian to use and define the French translation of the term, Renaissance, to identify the period in Europe's cultural history that followed the Middle Ages. Historian François Furet wrote that Michelet's Histoire de France remains "the cornerstone of all revolutionary historiography and is also a literary monument." Source: Wikipedia (en)

Editions prefaced or postfaced by Jules Michelet 2

Editions translated by Jules Michelet 1

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