Maurice Sendak's Little Bear: The Little Bear Movie, or simply The Little Bear Movie, also known as Maurice Sendak's Little Bear: The Movie or simply Little Bear: The Movie, is a 2001 Canadian-American direct-to-video children's animated adventure film directed by Raymond Jafelice who co-wrote the screenplay with James Still and Nancy Barr. It is based on the Canadian children's animated television series Little Bear, which in turn is based on the children's book series of the same name written by Else Holmelund Minarik and illustrated by Maurice Sendak. In the film, Little Bear meets a wild bear cub named Cub during a camping trip. Upon learning that Cub got separated from his parents, Little Bear and his friends embark on a journey to help him reunite with his parents while coming face-to-face with a ferocious mountain lion along the way. The Little Bear Movie was produced by Nelvana Limited in association with Wild Things Productions. The film was released direct-to-video on August 7, 2001, by Paramount Home Entertainment in the United States and Canada while it was also released in Canada by Alliance Atlantis. The film received positive reviews from critics and has Kristin Fairlie reprise her role as Little Bear, while featuring her brother Kyle Fairlie as the voice of Cub. In addition to Lesley Barber's instrumental track from the series, The Little Bear Movie features two original songs composed by Marc Jordan and Anthony Vanderbilt and performed by Shawn Colvin: "Great Big World" and "Everybody Wants To Paint My Picture." Source: Wikipedia (en)
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