Peggy Sastre
crediti dell'immagine: Wikimedia Commons
paese di cittadinanza: Francia
scuola frequentata: University of Reims
occupazione: opinionista, saggista, traduttore, giornalista
sito web ufficiale:
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Peggy Sastre (born 1981) is a French science journalist, translator, blogger and essayist. She is a Doctor of Philosophy who worked on Nietzsche and Darwin. She forms the concept of “evofeminism”, offering a biological and evolutionary reading of sexual and gender issues. Sastre was one of the authors along with Abnousse Shalmani of the open letter criticising #MeToo sent to the leading French newspaper, Le Monde, signed by over 100 high-profile French women. The letter advocated in part that a "freedom to bother" — a man's right to make a pass at a woman, even if a clumsy one — was "indispensable to sexual freedom". Source: Wikipedia (en)
Edizioni tradotte da Peggy Sastre 1
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