Louis Lavelle

1883 - 1951
land van nationaliteit:  Frankrijk
taalbeheersing:  Frans
opleiding gevolgd aan:  University of Lyon
beroep:  filosoofprofessor

Louis Lavelle (French: [lavɛl]; July 15, 1883 – September 1, 1951) was a French philosopher, considered one of the greatest French metaphysicians of the twentieth century. His magnum opus, La Dialectique de l'éternel présent (1922), is a systematic metaphysical work. Lavelle's other principal works include De l'Être (1928), De l'Acte (1937), Du Temps et de l'Eternité (1945), and De l'Âme Humaine (1951). In his works, Lavelle dealt with themes such as axiology, aesthetics, the problem of evil, morality, and freedom of the spirit. Lavelle was a member of the Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques. Source: Wikipedia (en)


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