Shin Chae-ho
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Bibliographic databases:
Shin Chae-ho, or Sin Chaeho (Korean: 신채호; December 8, 1880 – February 21, 1936), was a Korean independence activist, historian, anarchist, nationalist, and a founder of Korean nationalist historiography (민족 사학, minjok sahak; sometimes shortened to minjok).: 7 : 27 : 52 He is held in high esteem in both North: 112–3 and South Korea.: 26–7 Two of his works, A New Reading of History (Doksa Sillon), written in 1908, and The Early History of Joseon (Joseon Sanggosa), published in 1931, are considered key works of nationalist historiography in modern Korea.: 445 He argued that modern Koreans and the people of Manchuria were of a single race which has an ancestral claim to both Korea and Manchuria,: 26 : 3 Shin also studied Korean mythology.: 53 During his exile in China, Shin joined the Eastern Anarchist Association and wrote anti-imperialist and pro-independence articles in various outlets; his anarchist activities lead to his arrest and subsequent death in prison, February 21, 1936.: 447 : 128 Source: Wikipedia (en)
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