Lewis Melville

1874 - 1932
talade, skrivna eller tecknade språk:  engelska
sysselsättning:  skribentscenskådespelarebiograf

Lewis Saul Benjamin (pen name, Lewis Melville; 1874–1932) was an English author, born into a Jewish family in London, England and educated privately in England and Germany. From 1896 to 1901 he was known as an actor, though part of his time even then was devoted to literature. His publications include: In the World of Mimes: A Theatrical Novel (1902) The Thackeray Country (1905) Victorian Novelists (1906) Bath under Beau Nash (1907) The Beau of the Regency (1908) William Makepeace Thackeray: A Biography (1909) King Edward VII: His Life & Reign. The Record of a Noble Career (six volumes, 1910; with Edgar Sanderson) The Life and Letters of Laurence Sterne (two volumes, 1911; American edition, 1912) The Life and Letters of William Cobbett (two volumes, 1912; American edition, 1913) An edition of Thackeray's works (twenty volumes, 1901–07) Källa: Wikipedia (en)


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