Neoconservatism: Why We Need It
дата першої публікації: 2006-08-28
жанр: політика
мова оригіналу: англійська мова
основна тема: консерватизм
Бібліографічні бази даних:
Neoconservatism: Why We Need It is a 2006 book by Douglas Murray, in which the author argues that neoconservatism offers a coherent platform from which to tackle genocide, dictatorships and human rights abuses in the modern world, that the terms neoconservativism and neocon are often both misunderstood and misrepresented, and that neoconservativism can play a progressive role in the context of modern British politics. The book was described by the Social Affairs Unit as "a vigorous defence of the most controversial political philosophy of our age". Джерело: Wikipedia (en)
1- дата публікації: 2005ISBN-13: 978-1-904863-05-2
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