Raph Koster

1971 -

photo credits: Wikimedia Commons

гражданство:  США
языки, на которых говорит или пишет персона:  французский языканглийский язык
учебное заведение:  Вашингтон-колледж
официальный сайт:  www.raphkoster.com

Raphael "Raph" Koster (born September 7, 1971) is an American entrepreneur, game designer, and author of A Theory of Fun for Game Design. Koster is widely recognized for his work as the lead designer of Ultima Online and the creative director behind Star Wars Galaxies. From 2006 until 2013 he worked as the founder and president of Metaplace (previously operating as Areae and acquired by social gaming company Playdom in 2010, which was in turn acquired by Disney) producing a Facebook game platform. Source: Wikipedia (en)


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