photo credits: Wikimedia Commons
Erotic literature comprises fictional and factual stories and accounts of eros (passionate, romantic or sexual relationships) intended to arouse similar feelings in readers. This contrasts erotica, which focuses more specifically on sexual feelings. Other common elements are satire and social criticism. Much erotic literature features erotic art, illustrating the text. Although cultural disapproval of erotic literature has always existed, its circulation was not seen as a major problem before the invention of printing, as the costs of producing individual manuscripts limited distribution to a very small group of wealthy and literate readers. The invention of printing, in the 15th century, brought with it both a greater market and increasing restrictions, including censorship and legal restraints on publication on the grounds of obscenity. Because of this, much of the production of this type of material became clandestine. Source: Wikipedia (en)
Works in the genre erotic literature 67
Su'e pian
Chronicle of a Loyal Love
Thérèse the Philosopher
Les Infortunes de la vertu
Le Doctorat impromptu
Philosophy in the Bedroom
Les Amours du Saint-Pere
La Volupté prise sur le fait
Царь Никита и сорок его дочерей
Les Deux Gougnottes
Venus in India
Memoirs of a Russian Ballet Girl
Raped on the Railway
Woman and the World
Arte de las putas
White Stains
Snowdrops from a Curate's Garden
I Spit on Your Graves
Elles se rendent pas compte
The Naked Woman
The Professor of Desire
Opus Pistorum
L'art de la fessée
Блуд (повість)
The Mammoth Book of Erotica
Merry Gentry
Conversations impudiques
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