Barbapapa is a 1970 children's picture book by the French-American couple Annette Tison and Talus Taylor, who lived in Paris, France. Barbapapa is both the title character and the name of his "species". The book was the first of a series of children's books originally written in French and later translated into over 30 languages. Barbe à papa – literally "Daddy's beard" – is French for cotton candy or candy floss. Source: Wikipedia (en)
1. Barbapapa
2. Le voyage de Barbapapa
3. La maison de Barbapapa
4. L'arche de Barbapapa
5. L'école de Barbapapa
6. Le théâtre de Barbapapa
7. Le Noël de Barbapapa
8. L'arbre de Barbapapa
9. Les vacances de Barbapapa
10. L'hiver de Barbapapa
11. Barbapapa sur Mars
Le livre
Le terrain de jeux
Barbapapa et les premiers mots d'anglais
There is nothing here
Series -