Vanity of Duluoz
first publication date: 1968
genre: autobiographical novel
original title: Vanity of Duluoz
original language: English
follows: Satori in Paris
followed by: Pic
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ebooks: on Internet Archive
Vanity of Duluoz: An Adventurous Education, 1935–46 is a 1968 semi-autobiographical novel by Jack Kerouac. The book describes the adventures of Kerouac's alter ego, Jack Duluoz, covering the period of his life between 1935 and 1946. The book includes reminiscences of the author's high school experiences in Lowell, Massachusetts, his education at Columbia University, and his subsequent naval service during World War II. It culminates with the beginnings of the beat movement. It was Kerouac's last work published during his life. The tone of the book has been noted for its stark contrast to On the Road. Source: Wikipedia (en)
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