The Managed Heart: the Commercialization of Human Feeling

first publication date:  1983
original title:  The Managed Heart: the Commercialization of Human Feeling
original language:  angla lingvo

The Managed Heart: Commercialization of Human Feeling, by Arlie Russell Hochschild, was first published in 1983. In it, she documents how social situations influence emotions through the experiences of flight attendants and bill collectors. A 20th Anniversary edition with a new afterword added by the author was published in 2003. It was reissued in 2012 with a new preface. It has been translated into German (Campus Press), Chinese (Laureate Books, Taipei, Taiwan), Japanese (Sekai Shisosha, Kyoto, Japan), Polish (Polish Scientific Publishers PWN), and French (La Découverte, 2017). Hochschild's text is seminal and scholars like Sarah J. Tracy and Stephen Fineman have expanded on her concept of emotional labor. Source: Wikipedia (en)


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