A grammar book is a book or treatise describing the grammar of one or more languages. In linguistics, such a book is itself frequently referred to as a grammar. Source: Wikipedia (en)
Works in the genre ব্যাকরণ বই 13
Wiron kielioppi suomalaisille
English Grammar for All
Gramàtica catalana embellida amb dos ortografies
Cours Intensif 1 - Grammatisches Beiheft
Cours Intensif 2 - Grammatisches Beiheft
Hunde im Futur
Ausführliche Grammatik der griechischen Sprache
Old-Irish Paradigms and Selections from the Old-Irish Glosses
Gramática de Português
Ratgeber Stilsicheres Deutsch
L'art de conjuguer : dictionnaire de 12 000 verbes.
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