Social history, often called "history from below", is a field of history that looks at the lived experience of the past. Historians who write social history are called social historians. Social history came to prominence in the 1960s, spreading from schools of thought in the United Kingdom and France which posited that the Great Man view of history was inaccurate because it did not adequately explain how societies changed. Instead, social historians wanted to show that change arose from within society, complicating the popular belief that powerful leaders were the source of dynamism. While social history came from the Marxist view of history (historical materialism), the cultural turn and linguistic turn saw the number of sub-fields expand as well as the emergence of other approaches to social history, including a social liberal approach and a more ambiguious critical theory approach. Source: Wikipedia (en)
Works about social history 34
Andhrula Sanghika Charitra
Social and economic development of Crewe
Notizen aus der Sozial-, Wirtschafts- und Gewerkschaftsgeschichte vom 14. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart
The People of Hamilton, Canada West: Family and Class in a Mid-nineteenth-century City
Archiv für die Geschichte des Widerstandes und der Arbeit
Exodus and Revolution
Albion's Seed
La situación política y social en las Canarias orientales durante la etapa isabelina
Archiv für die Geschichte des Widerstandes und der Arbeit 9
El movimiento obrero en las Canarias Orientales (1930-1936): la Federación Obrera de la provincia de Las Palmas
Investigation of the Ukrainian Famine, 1932—1933: Oral History Project of the Commission on the Ukraine Famine
Low Life
Palatinate studies: chapters in the social and industrial history of Lancashire and Cheshire
Economía, sociedad y relaciones laborales en Canarias: una aproximación a la situación de los trabajadores en Gran Canaria, Lanzarote y Fuerteventura
Para dejar atrás el siglo XX
Dancing in the Streets
Das hybride Subjekt: Eine Theorie der Subjektkulturen von der bürgerlichen Moderne zur Postmoderne
Forschungen und Forschungsberichte
Essays on Social History and the History of Social Movements
Essays on Social History and the History of Social Movements
Essays on Social History and the History of Social Movements
Essays on Social History and the History of Social Movements
The End of American Childhood
Essays on Social History and the History of Social Movements
Essays on Social History and the History of Social Movements
Os professores de projeto da FAU-USP (1948-2018): esboços para a construção de um centro de memória
Liv i rörelse. Göteborgs befolkning och arbetsmarknad 1900-1950
Expanding media histories. Cultural and material perspectives
Den engagerade reportern. Svenska sociala reportage 1910–2010
Barnavård till salu. Förlossningshem och barnpensionat 1900–1975.
Histoire de la classe ouvrière depuis l'esclave jusqu'au prolétaire de nos jours
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