Editions published in Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking 2360
The Relationship Between Depression and Internet Addiction
Internet Addiction on Campus: The Vulnerability of College Students
Internet Addiction: The Emergence of a New Clinical Disorder
Computer Applications in Psychiatry: Role in Patient Care, Education, Research and Communication
The Gender Gap in Internet Use: Why Men Use the Internet More Than Women—A Literature Review
Research in gerontology: a gateway to resources on the internet
Age-related changes in a human cognitive mapping system: data from a computer-generated environment
Virtual environments for targeting cognitive processes: an overview of projects at the University of Southern California
Promoting independence in older persons through the internet
Clinical observations during virtual reality therapy for specific phobias
Life-long learning opportunities for seniors on the web.
Introduction: aging and information technology
Computer hardware and software interfaces: why the elderly are under-represented as computer users
Development of a computerized psychiatric diagnostic interview for use by mental health and primary care clinicians
How do older netcitizens compare with their younger counterparts?
Overview of internet development in Russia
Virtual environments in the diagnosis, prevention, and intervention of age-related diseases: a review of VR scenarios proposed in the EC VETERAN Project
Compulsive internet gambling: a new form of an old clinical pathology
Internet gambling and pornography: illustrative examples of the psychological consequences of communication anarchy
Quantitative measures of presence in virtual environments: the roles of attention and spatial comprehension
The relationship between loneliness and internet use and abuse
Differences on presence and reality judgment using a high impact workstation and a PC workstation.
To get what you need: healthy and pathological internet use.
Mental health implications for presence.
Overview of the virtual reality and mental health symposium.
Gender issues in the use of virtual environments.
Therapy over the internet? Theory, research, and finances.
Interactive E-mail journals: a model for providing psychotherapeutic interventions using the internet.
The world wide web: exploring a new advertising environment.
Virtual environment interaction through 3D audio by blind children.
Preventing teen smoking with virtual reality.
Addiction to technologies: a social psychological perspective of internet addiction.
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