The European Journal of Clinical Nutrition is a monthly peer-reviewed medical journal covering nutrition science and published by the Springer Nature. It was established in 1947 by John Waterlow as Nutrition and renamed Journal of Human Nutrition in 1976. In 1982 its name was changed to Human Nutrition and the journal was split into two sections: Human Nutrition: Applied Nutrition and Human Nutrition: Clinical Nutrition. These two sections were combined again in 1988 with the journal obtaining its current name. The editor-in-chief is Mario J. Soares (Curtin University). Source: Wikipedia (en)
Editions published in European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 6859
Riboflavin deficiency and severity of malaria
Malnutrition among tuberculosis patients in Harrow, England
Effect of the Indian gooseberry (amla) on serum cholesterol levels in men aged 35-55 years
Predicting energy requirements: is energy expenditure proportional to the BMR or to body weight? An analysis of data collected in rural Gambian women
Between-group differences in basal metabolic rates: an analysis of data collected in Scotland, the Gambia and Thailand.
Relating food composition data to iron availability from plant foods
A comparison of biscuits used in emergency relief feeding programmes in Ethiopia and eastern Sudan--1985/86.
Food intake and patterns of feeding of Norwegian infants
What can Crohn's patients eat?
Comparison of blood glucose and insulin responses in non-insulin dependent diabetic patients. Studies with spaghetti and potato taken alone and as part of a mixed meal
Which foods contain dietary fibre? The beliefs of a random sample of the British population
Urea kinetics in adults with homozygous sickle cell disease
The nutritional role of indispensable amino acids and the metabolic basis for their requirements.
Glucose tolerance in north Indians taking a high fibre diet
Comparison of Gomez and Waterlow classifications in a follow-up study among pre-school children
Energy expenditure over 24 hours, thermal comfort and fat-free mass in Asian men.
Fatty acid composition of human milk from South African black mothers consuming a traditional maize diet
Concentration and distribution pattern of selected micronutrients in preterm and term milk from urban Brazilian mothers during early lactation
Is the message getting through? Nutritional knowledge of pregnant women in Edinburgh and London
Protein and energy metabolism in starvation reconsidered.
Growth in length of children recovering from severe malnutrition
Nutritional status in anorexia nervosa: clinical chemistry, vitamins, iron and zinc.
Variability of macronutrient concentrations in human milk
Theoretical and practical considerations in the doubly-labelled water (2H2(18)O) method for the measurement of carbon dioxide production rate in man.
Changes in human plasma essential fatty acid levels as a result of administration of linoleic acid and gamma-linolenic acid
Comparison of the effects on colonic function caused by feeding rice bran and wheat bran
Food consumption patterns and bowel movements of final-year nursing students in Ile-Ife, Nigeria: an implication for applied nutrition in the nursing curriculum
Effect of zinc supplementation on the dietary intake and weight gain of Bangladeshi children recovering from protein-energy malnutrition
Assessing supplementary feeding programmes in selected Balwadies
Energy metabolism and requirements in different ethnic groups
Overweight and obesity in middle-aged British men.
A study of glucose handling by Buddhist monks
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