Editions published in International Review of Cytology 1532
Structural Agents in Mitosis
Nucleo-cytoplasmic Relationships in the Development of Acetabularia
Submicroscopic morphology of the synapse
Osmotic properties of living cells
The physiology of chromatophores
Sodium and potassium movements in nerve, muscle, and red cells
A survey of metabolic studies on isolated mammalian nuclei
Experimental heterotopic ossification.
The cell surface of Paramecium.
The Fibrous Components of Connective Tissue with Special Reference to the Elastic Fiber
The Mammalian Reticulocyte
The Structure of Cytoplasm
Wall Organization in Plant Cells
Cyto-embryology of echinoderms and amphibia
The adhesion of cells
The influence of cultural conditions on bacterial cytology
The study of drug effects at the cytological level
Organizational patterns within chromosomes
Histochemistry of Lipids in Oogenesis
Physiological and Pathological Changes in Mitochondrial Morphology
Enzymic processes in cells
The cytochemistry of nonezyme proteins
Fertilization of mammalian eggs in vitro
Electron microscopy of human white blood cells and their stem cells
Histochemistry of ossification
Cytology of the developing eye
In vivo implantation as a technique in skeletal biology
The nature and stability of nerve myelin
Sex chromatin and human chromosomes
Chromosome structure with special reference to the role of metal ions
The fine structure of insect sense organs.
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