Editions published in Cognitive Research 290
Creating visual explanations improves learning
The evolution of pace in popular movies
Comparison versus reminding
Talking to your car can drive you to distraction.
Looming sounds are perceived as faster than receding sounds
That's not what you said the first time: A theoretical account of the relationship between consistency and accuracy of recall
Visual search behaviors of association football referees during assessment of foul play situations
How to optimize switch virtual keyboards to trade off speed and accuracy.
Making sense of movement in embodied design for mathematics learning
Leveling the playing field: Grounding learning with embedded simulations in geoscience
Age-related differences in the legibility of degraded text
Mastering algebra retrains the visual system to perceive hierarchical structure in equations
ROC curve analyses of eyewitness identification decisions: An analysis of the recent debate
Spatial analogies pervade complex relational reasoning: Evidence from spontaneous gestures
Iconic faces are not real faces: enhanced emotion detection and altered neural processing as faces become more iconic
From hands to minds: Gestures promote understanding
Interactivity mitigates the impact of working memory depletion on mental arithmetic performance
The perceptual processing of fused multi-spectral imagery.
Understanding visual attention in childhood: Insights from a new visual foraging task
Use-inspired basic research in medical image perception
Relative judgment theory and the mediation of facial recognition: Implications for theories of eyewitness identification
Visual completion from 2D cross-sections: Implications for visual theory and STEM education and practice
Supporting dynamic change detection: using the right tool for the task
Rethinking the basic-applied dichotomy.
Multiple event monitoring.
Design of embodied interfaces for engaging spatial cognition.
Through the Google Glass: The impact of heads-up displays on visual attention.
Men's perceptions of women's sexual interest: Effects of environmental context, sexual attitudes, and women's characteristics.
"Special needs" is an ineffective euphemism.
Learning to interpret topographic maps: Understanding layered spatial information.
Bayesian reasoning in residents' preliminary diagnoses.
Seeing the unseen? Illusory causal filling in FIFA referees, players, and novices.
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