The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry is a peer-reviewed scientific journal covering both child and adolescent psychology and psychiatry providing an interdisciplinary perspective to the multidisciplinary field of child and adolescent mental health, though publication of high-quality empirical research, clinically-relevant studies and highly cited research reviews and practitioner review articles. It is one of two journals of the Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health, the other being Child and Adolescent Mental Health. Source: Wikipedia (en)
Editions published in The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 4814
A study of the language of an autistic child
Some psychological aspects of the management of the brain-damaged adolescent in a residential setting
The infant's fear of strangers and the flight response.
Social and family background of pre-school children with behaviour disorders attending a child guidance clinic.
Symptomatology and outcome of pre-school children with behaviour disorders attending a child guidance clinic.
Children who break down in foster homes: a psychological study of patterns of personality growth in grossly deprived children.
Two cases of developmental aphasia.
Melanie KLEIN, 1882-1960.
The self-reported personal and social adjustment of bright high-achieving and under-achieving high school boys.
Concepts of number of the mentally subnormal studied by Piaget's method
The role of the psychiatrist in an approved school
Rocking at night
Age, sex and service patterns in a child guidance clinic
"Maturation"--a report on the first European Congress of Paedo-Psychiatry
Behaviour theory and child guidance
The use of analysis in a child psychiatric clinic
Psychodrama as applied to adolescents
A clinical approach to parent-child interaction
The growth of the concept of volume in junior school children
School visits: the role of phantasy
Four to six: constructiveness and conflict in meeting doll play problems
Experimental psychology and the treatment of a ticqueur
The strategic deployment of the child psychiatrist in preventive psychiatry
A youth club for psychiatric out-patients
The development of body image and symbol formation through bodily contact with an autistic child
Learning theory and child psychology: therapeutic possibilities.
Children whose mothers are in a mental hospital
Joint interviews as part of intake procedure in a child psychiatric clinic
A general practitioner's approach to emotionally disturbed children: therapeutic intervention
Dynamics and psychotherapy of identical twins with elective mutism
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