
B'Elanna Torres is a main character in Star Trek: Voyager played by Roxann Dawson. She is portrayed as a half-human half-Klingon born in 2346 on the Federation colony Kessik IV. In the series, Torres was admitted to Starfleet academy but dropped out before graduating. She joined the Maquis in 2370 and was serving on the Val jean when taken to the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker alien using his station. In the first few episodes, her Maquis ship was destroyed and the surviving Maquis joined the USS Voyager on the long journey across the galaxy to Earth. She was posted to engineering and quickly promoted to Chief Engineer, where she played a major role in the rest of the series. She had an ongoing relationship with Tom Paris, who she married in the final season. Dawson was praised for her portrayal of Torres by CBR, who wrote that she made the character believable. As a part-human, part-Klingon character struggling to reconcile the two halves of her heritage, Torres was praised by multi-ethnic audiences. Source: Wikipedia (en)

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