photo credits: Wikimedia Commons
In book publishing, an anthology is a collection of literary works chosen by the compiler; it may be a collection of plays, poems, short stories, songs, or related fiction/non-fiction excerpts by different authors. There are also thematic and genre-based anthologies. Complete collections of works are often called "complete works" or "opera omnia" (Latin equivalent). Source: Wikipedia (en)
Works in the form of a anthology 201
Too many entities requested (1600). Only 200 are displayed.
Goethes Werke Letzter Hand Band 04
Ketuvim Aharonim
La Lira del Plata 1846
Sifre de-agadeta ʻal megilat Ester
Colección de anecdotas
Sefer HaAggadah
L’Œuvre du Marquis de Sade
Folk Stories from Southern Nigeria
International Short Stories
Рассказы (юмористические). Книга первая
Зайчики на стене. Рассказы (юмористические). Книга вторая
Рассказы (юмористические). Книга третья
Одесские рассказы
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Дюжина ножей в спину революции
Отдых на крапиве
The New Negro
Action Comics #1
Days of Awe
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Joernaal van Jorik
Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament
Big Book of Science Fiction
కాంతం కైఫీయతు
Assignment in Tomorrow
A Way Home
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