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The Spanish Civil War (Spanish: guerra civil española) was a military conflict fought from 1936 to 1939 between the Republicans and the Nationalists. Republicans were loyal to the left-leaning Popular Front government of the Second Spanish Republic. The opposing Nationalists were an alliance of Falangists, monarchists, conservatives, and traditionalists led by a military junta among whom General Francisco Franco quickly achieved a preponderant role. Due to the international political climate at the time, the war was variously viewed as class struggle, a religious struggle, a struggle between dictatorship and republican democracy, between revolution and counterrevolution, and between fascism and communism. The Nationalists won the war, which ended in early 1939, and ruled Spain until Franco's death in November 1975. The war began after the partial failure of the coup d'état of July 1936 against the Republican government by a group of generals of the Spanish Republican Armed Forces, with General Emilio Mola as the primary planner and leader and General José Sanjurjo as a figurehead. The Nationalist faction was supported by several conservative groups, including CEDA, monarchists, including both the opposing Alfonsists and the religious conservative Carlists, and the Falange Española de las JONS, a fascist political party. The coup was supported by military units in Morocco, Pamplona, Burgos, Zaragoza, Valladolid, Cádiz, Córdoba, Málaga, and Seville. However, rebelling units in almost all important cities did not gain control. Those cities remained in the hands of the government, leaving Spain militarily and politically divided. The Nationalist forces received munitions, soldiers, and air support from Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany while the Republican side received support from the Soviet Union and Mexico. Other countries, such as the United Kingdom, France, and the United States, continued to recognise the Republican government but followed an official policy of non-intervention. Despite this policy, tens of thousands of citizens from non-interventionist countries directly participated in the conflict, mostly in the pro-Republican International Brigades. Franco gradually emerged as the primary leader of the Nationalist side. The Nationalists advanced from their strongholds in the south and west, capturing most of Spain's northern coastline in 1937. They besieged Madrid and the area to its south and west. After much of Catalonia was captured in 1938 and 1939, and Madrid cut off from Barcelona, the Republican military position became hopeless. On 5 March 1939, in response to an alleged increasing communist dominance of the Republican government and the deteriorating military situation, Colonel Segismundo Casado led a military coup against the Republican government, intending to seek peace with the Nationalists. These peace overtures, however, were rejected by Franco. Following internal conflict between Republican factions in Madrid in the same month, Franco entered the capital and declared victory on 1 April 1939. Hundreds of thousands of Spaniards fled to refugee camps in southern France. Those associated with the losing Republicans who stayed were persecuted by the victorious Nationalists. Franco established a dictatorship. The war became notable for the passion and political division it inspired worldwide and for the many atrocities that occurred. Organised purges occurred in territory captured by Franco's forces so they could consolidate their future regime. Mass executions also took place in areas controlled by the Republicans, with the participation of local authorities varying from location to location. Source: Wikipedia (en)
Works about Spanish Civil War 92
Espagne, Espagne !
Man’s Hope
Spanish Testament
Dialogue with Death
Life and Death of a Spanish Town
Spansk sommer
The Spanish Cockpit
Catalogne libertaire 1936-1937
Les grands cimetières sous la lune
The Confidential Agent
Death's Other Kingdom
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Looking Back on the Spanish War
Vers l'Espagne de Franco
Eddie August Schneider (1911-1940) biography by Gretchen Francis Hahnen
Requiem for a Spanish Peasant
The Spanish Labyrinth
The Fifth Column and Four Stories of the Spanish Civil War
Durruti in the Spanish Revolution
En el día de hoy
Revolution für die Freiheit: Stationen eines politischen Kampfes
O silencio redimido
Les Anarchistes espagnols : révolution de 1936 et luttes de toujours
Beware! Anarchist!: A Life for Freedom: An Autobiography
Spanienkrieg 2: Begegnung am Ebro
Anarchismus und Bürgerkrieg
anarcho-syndicalisme et syndicalisme révolutionnaire
Blood of Spain
O Siñor Afranio
„Wir sind es leid, die Ketten zu tragen…“
Kollektivismus und Freiheit: Quellen zur sozialen Revolution im Spanischen Bürgerkrieg 1936–1939
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