photo credits: Wikimedia Commons
L'archéologie industrielle est, comme les autres branches de l'archéologie, l'étude des vestiges matériels du passé, mais centrée plus précisément sur le patrimoine industriel : installations minières, métallurgiques, manufactures et usines, transport routier, ponts, tunnels, chemin de fer, chantier naval, marine, navigation fluviale, aviation. L'archéologie industrielle est née en Angleterre vers 1940 avec les premières études des vestiges de la révolution industrielle. Cette prise de conscience s'est concrétisée par la mise en valeur de l'ensemble de l'Iron Bridge et de la vallée de Coalbrookdale. Source: Wikipedia (fr)
Works about archéologie industrielle 41
Industrial archaeology: an introduction
Industrial Archaeology
The theory and practice of industrial archaeology
The Industrial Archaeology of Lancashire
A guide to the industrial archaeology of Europe
Industrial archaeology in Britain
Industrial Archaeology: An Historical Survey
The industrial archaeology of Stockport
The BP book of industrial archaeology
Ortsbild - Inventarisation. Aber wie?
The Industrial Archaeology of the Stationary Steam Engine
Maltings in Nottinghamshire: a Survey in Industrial Archaeology
World industrial archaeology
Die industrielle Revolution des Mittelalters
Transport technology and social change
L'archeologie industrielle en France
Industrial Archaeology
The industrial archaeology of North West England
‘The richest in all Wales!’: the Welsh Potosi or Esgair Hir and Esgair Fraith lead and copper mines of Cardiganshire
The Moira Furnace: a Napoleonic blast furnace in Leicestershire
Workers' housing in west Yorkshire 1750-1920
Monuments of history
The Basset Mines: their history and industrial archaeology
Industrial Landscapes of the East Midlands
Cotton Mills in Greater Manchester
The Industrial Heritage: Managing Resources and Uses
The landscape of industry: patterns of change in the Ironbridge Gorge
East Cheshire Textile Mills
English Heritage book of the Ironbridge Gorge
Industry in the Landscape, 1700-1900
English Heritage Book of Canals
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