
Christopher Nolan's Batman

Christopher Nolan's Batman

Erscheinungsdatum:  2012
ISBN-13:  978-1-4197-0369-0
ISBN-10:  1-4197-0369-2
Werk, von dem dies eine Ausgabe ist:  Christopher Nolan's Batman
Sprache der Ausgabe:  Englisch

"In 2005, director Christopher Nolan redefined the Batman legend with Batman Begins, starring Christian Bale as the Caped Crusader. A fresh, dynamic reboot of the franchise, Batman Begins explored the comic book hero's origins and his evolution from billionaire Bruce Wayne to dark avenger who fights crime and corruption in Gotham City. A 2008 sequel, The Dark Knight, took those compelling, character-driven foundations and raised the stakes, pitting Batman against a deranged master criminal, the Joker, in an all-out war for Gotham's soul. Now, the final film of Nolan's trilogy, The Dark Knight Rises, is the summer's most anticipated film release. Christopher Nolan's Batman: The Art and Making of The Dark Knight Trilogy tells the complete, behind-the-scenes story of these three monumental films. Based on in-depth interviews with Nolan and all of the film's key cast and crew--including co-writers David S. Goyer and Christopher Nolan, cinematographer Wally Pfister, and more--the book reveals the creative process behind the epic Dark Knight Trilogy, supported by lavish art and never-before-seen photography"-- Quelle: OpenLibrary

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