

العثور على تاريخ النشر:  1980-04
التصنيف:  خيال علمي
العنوان الأصلي:  Nightflyers
original language:  الإنجليزية
منشور في:  Dreamsongs: A RRetrospective

Nightflyers is a science fiction horror novella by American writer George R. R. Martin, released as a short novella in 1980 and as an expanded novella in 1981. A short story collection of the same name was released in 1985 that includes the expanded novella. In 1987, the short novella was adapted into a film by the same name. A 2018 television adaptation of the extended novella was developed; television presentation began on December 2, 2018, on the SyFy Channel. Source: Wikipedia (en)

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