
The Omnivore's Dilemma

дата первой публикации:  2006
жанр:  эссе
оригинальный заголовок:  The Omnivore's Dilemma, 雑食動物のジレンマ : ある4つの食事の自然史
язык оригинала:  английский язык
главная тема:  пища
место действия:  Южная Дакота
предыдущее по порядку:  The Botany of Desire
следующее по порядку:  In Defense of Food

The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals is a nonfiction book written by American author Michael Pollan published in 2006. As omnivores, humans have a variety of food choices. In the book, Pollan investigates the environmental and animal welfare effects of various food choices. He suggests that, prior to modern food preservation and transportation technologies, the dilemmas caused by these options were resolved primarily by cultural influences. Technology has made foods that were previously seasonal or regional available year round and in all regions. The relationship between food and society, once moderated by culture, is now confused. To teach more about those choices, Pollan describes various food chains that end in human food: industrial food, organic food, and food we forage ourselves; from the source to a final meal, and in the process writes a critique of the American method of eating. Source: Wikipedia (en)


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