Gus Russo

1950 -
obywatelstwo:  Stany Zjednoczone
porozumiewa się w języku:  język angielski
zajęcie:  dziennikarzpisarz

Gus G. Russo (born 1950 in Baltimore, Maryland) is an American author and researcher of the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Russo was part of a team of researchers that worked on the 1993 Frontline Lee Harvey Oswald documentary, Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald?, for PBS. He is the author of Live by the Sword: The Secret War Against Castro and the Death of JFK, a book which states that Lee Harvey Oswald alone killed the president in retribution for Kennedy's policies toward Fidel Castro and Cuba. Russo has also written books about the Chicago Outfit and mob lawyer Sidney Korshak. In The Outfit, Russo points out that while the Mafia is responsible for heinous crimes, they aren't the only "business" that engages in destructive and illegal activities. The Mafia's "upper world" counterparts, big business, has been responsible for many crimes themselves (white collar crime), have escaped punishment, and still operate without being prosecuted. Co-authored by Stephen Molton, Brothers In Arms: The Kennedys, the Castros, and the Politics of Murder states that Castro's regime employed Oswald in retaliation for plots against the Cuban leader. Source: Wikipedia (en)

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